Computer Engineering (Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data)

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Earn IT Certifications
Learners at HEM’s School of Engineering have the chance to earn professional certifications in different areas of IT that will give them a leg up with recruiters: Cisco – Microsoft – Oracle.
List of Courses
HEM’s Bac+5 Computer Engineering program is spread over five years and features a balanced mix of theoretical content (lectures) and practical application (tutorials and assignments).
The HEM Engineering School curriculum is based on three key areas:
- Fundamental concepts (IT, communication and management)
- Advanced IT
- Personal skills (personal development of learners)
Core curriculum:
- Two years of integrated preparatory studies (first and second year)
- Mastery of basic mathematical and IT tools
- Consolidation of methodological framework and communication skills (French and English)
- Introduction to the corporate environment
- Third year:
- Acquisition of advanced IT techniques and tools required for specialization
- Consolidation of communication, business and project management skills
Two years of specialization: Master 1 (fourth year) and Master 2 (fifth year):
- Computer Engineering (Specialization in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence)
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