
Business Team Analyzing Data Charts
  • Confident Student on Campus
    Droit des affaires et management des entreprises
    Programme de haut niveau sur 3 ans, pour acquérir des compétences juridiques en droit des affaires, du travail, de la protection sociale et en gestion des entreprises.

    • Starts October
    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 3 years (1680 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
    Droit des affaires et management des entreprises
  • Management - Spécialité Management du sport
    Programme de haut niveau sur 5 ans, en partenariat avec la Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football

    • Starts October
    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 5 years (2700 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
    Management - Spécialité Management du sport
  • pge-management-specialite-management-financier

    • Starts October
    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 5 years (2700 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
  • Management du Sport
      Specialized Master
    Programme de haut niveau sur 2 ans, à temps plein, proposé en partenariat avec la Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football

    • Starts October
    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 2 years (950 hours)
    • Full-time, part-time | daytime, evening and weekend
    Management du Sport
  • Networking Event Engagement
    Marketing Parcours Gestion commerciale et développement des ventes
      Specialized Master
    Programme de haut niveau sur 2 ans, proposé en temps aménagé pour répondre au besoin des professionnels en poste

    • Starts October
    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 2 years (950 hours)
    • Part-time | evening and weekend
    Marketing Parcours Gestion commerciale et développement des ventes
  • master-finance-dentreprise
      Specialized Master

    • Starts October
    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 2 years (950 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
  • Master Professionnel Management de Projets - ISMP - Certificat
      Professional Master

    • Starts January
    • On-campus | Casablanca
    • Taught in French
    • 12 months (444 hours)
    • Part-time | evening and weekend
    Master Professionnel Management de Projets - ISMP - Certificat
  • MBA Management General

    • Starts January
    • On-campus | Casablanca
    • Taught in French
    • 18 months (420 hours)
    • Part-time | evening and weekend
    MBA Management General
  • An item name cannot start or end with blanks
      Professional Certificate

    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 4 months (70 hours)
    • Part-time | evening and weekend
    An item name cannot start or end with blanks
  • Friendly Consultation
    Certificat Executive Coaching
      Professional Certificate

    • On-campus | Casablanca + 3 others
    • Taught in French
    • 6 months (105 hours)
    • Part-time | evening and weekend
    Certificat Executive Coaching

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Let's figure this out together!


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Outdoor Basketball Game
Blow off steam and develop your athletic abilities at HEM campus sports facilities!
Creative Brainstorming Session
HEM campuses are well-rounded spaces where learners can flourish.
 Interactive Learning Environment
HEM’s classrooms are bright and well-designed to foster learning and exchange.