Two students engaging with a computer task, working together in a computer lab with peers focused in the background.
Two students engaging with a computer task, working together in a computer lab with peers focused in the background.

How Do I Enroll at HEM?

Admission Criteria

  • Access to 1st year at HEM Business & Engineering School is open to baccalaureate holders, on the basis of their documents and Admissions interview.

    • Management: All Bac types
    • IT Engineering: Scientific or technical Bac
  • Access to 2nd year at HEM Business & Engineering School is open to Bac+1 holders, on the basis of their documents and Admissions interview.

    • Management: Successful completion of Bac+1 in Management or Business Prépa
    • IT Engineering: Successful completion of Bac+1 in Computer Science or Scientific Prépa
  • Access to 3rd year at HEM Business & Engineering School is open to Bac+2 holders, on the basis of their documents and Admissions interview.

    • Management: Successful completion of Bac+2 in Management or Business Prépa
    • IT Engineering: Successful completion of Bac+2 in Computer Science or Scientific Prépa
  • Access to the 4th year of the Master’s program at HEM Business & Engineering School is open to students with a Bac+3, on the basis of their documents, written test to validate academic achievements, and Admissions interview.

    • Management: Successful completion of Bac+3 or bachelor’s degree in management
    • IT Engineering: Successful completion of Bac+3 or bachelor’s degree in IT

Application File

Direct admission to the 1st year:

  • High school diploma or certificate of completion (or current academic year enrollment certificate if these documents are not yet available)

  • Transcripts from the last 3 years of high school

  • First two pages of passport or national ID card

  • Birth certificate

  • Digital passport-sized photo

  • Application fee: 500 Dh (50€)

Parallel Admissions:

  • High school diploma and certificates/degrees or proof of completion for Bac+1 / Bac+2 / Bac+3 (or current academic year enrollment certificate if the latter document is not yet available)

  • Transcripts for post-bac academic years completed

  • Authenticated copies of certificates/degrees and/or university transcripts

  • First two pages of passport or national ID card

  • Birth certificate

  • Digital passport-sized photo

  • Copy of accreditation and/or authorization for the program from the previous institution

  • Application fee: 500 Dh (50€)

Steps of the Admission Process

We want to inform our prospective students about the processing times required for some of the necessary documents. You are responsible for acting as early as possible and ensuring you have the required documents on time.

Each step of the admission process is crucial. If a step is not completed, the candidate will not be able to proceed unless the previous step has been properly finalized.

  1. Prepare all the required documents
  2. Complete your admission application and submit your documents for verification
  3. Receive your admission contract
  4. Read and sign your contract electronically
  5. Pay the registration fee: 5000 Dh (€500)
  6. Receive your official admission letter
  7. Apply for your Visa or AEVM, if necessary


Over 1,000 merit scholarships are granted to new applicants.

Merit Scholarships

  • A 25% discount if your Bac average is between 14 and 15.99/20
  • A 30% discount if your Bac average is 16/20 or higher

Regional Scholarships

  • A 20% discount if you are enrolled at HEM Rabat, HEM Tangier, or HEM Marrakesh

Enrollment Calendar

Enrollment at HEM Business & Engineering School is open from February to October of each year. Just follow the steps above to enroll today!
To find out when admission interviews will take place, contact our advisors by phone at 05 22 87 95 95 or through WhatsApp at 0664 81 35 95.